Port of Houston

Update for the Port of Houston import dwell fees

Here’s an update on import dwell fees for the Port of Houston. The port will be applying two dwell fees from December 1, 2022, to address the longstanding container situation at the Houston Terminal.

Please keep in mind that these fees are in addition to any applicable demurrage charges for import containers on terminal (ref. Tariff No. 15 > Subrule 095, Tariff No. 14 > Subrule 093) and will be assessed to the beneficial cargo owner.

In the next paragraphs, you will see a description of the dwell fees:

  • Sustained Import Dwell Fee
    The fee of USD 45 per container will be assessed, on all import containers on the terminal, effective on the eighth day, after the expiration of the terminal free time.  
  • Excessive Import Dwell Fee
    To promote the flow of containers out of the terminal, the Port of Houston will institute a charge for all containers that remain on the terminal for an extended period. The Port of Houston has informed that the fee will remain in place for a minimum of sixty days after the effective date, in which import containers exiting the port will be monitored closely. The Excessive Import Dwell Fee applies to all loaded import containers on site on the effective date and thereafter.

    The below charges would apply after the expiration of the Free Time period:
  • 1-3 days after expiration of Free Time: USD 50 per container per day
  • 4-7 days after expiration of Free Time: USD 75 per container per day
  • 8-13 days after expiration of Free Time: USD 100 per container per day
  • 14 days thereafter expiration of Free Time: USD 150 per unit per day

Please keep in mind that containers will remain on hold at the terminal until the payment has been executed. You can complete the charges’ payment online via Lynx with a credit card or guarantee. If you should have questions concerning this topic, please get in touch with the Port of Houston team.

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CMA CGM Launches Early Container Return Incentive

CMA CGM has announced plans to implement an industry-first incentive program designed to encourage the early return of empty containers and help exporters get the equipment needed.

The program, which launches today to U.S. customers, gives customers who return empty containers early a $300 credit per dry container to either the FMS terminal in Los Angeles or one of four CMA CGM return locations across the country (Chicago, IL; Dallas, TX; Kansas City, KS; and Memphis, TN). [………….]